Herbert Marcuse’s Revolutionary Aesthetic
Author: Glenn Parton
Marcuse;s revoutionary Aesthetic.pdf
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Glenn is a plain member and citizen of the Earth, and the last student of Herbert Marcuse. 

He may be reached at: windandrain51@gmail.com


After Bahro's death, he pointed out to Maik Hosang that Herbert Marcuse recognized Bahro's political and ecological philosophy as the only philosophically founded way out of the seemingly hopeless circle of modern capitalism.Since then, they have been in constant exchange on fundamental philosophical questions about the future of man and earth.

The text of Marcuse, in which he outlines Bahro's philosophy, see here.

Glenn Parton and Maik Hosang in September 2010 during their visit to the Institute of Integrals Studies in San Francisco
Glenn Parton and Maik Hosang in September 2010 during their visit to the Institute of Integrals Studies in San Francisco